No control... understand me?

Pathetic, that`s me
Out of order
Temporary shut down
Lost in translation

Weak, that`s me
Emotions, no control
Tolerance to high
Lost in depression

I`m sorry for not
Giving comments
Saying thanks and love
But I`m still hiding

In a shell of dark thougts.
I apologize my sorrow
And ask for forgiveness
For being me, but not good enough

Poetry by Cr4Ky
Read 1211 times
Written on 2008-09-06 at 22:29

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Whoa....Powerfully deep write,
but so sad.

Your words have inspired
a cheer up poem from me
which I shall post on my page.



Kathy Lockhart
I know that feeling; I recognize myself in your words. Do what you do and if hiding is where you belong then stay there awhile until you can open the door to life and step out into the light.

Yes I understand you and thankfully most writers here will too. it is called being human! No control? well I think this fine poem says writing it, you took it and found out, what you feel is universally human at some time of our lives, more often in creative, sensitive types which goes with the blows of being a poet....we blow and show the world how it goes from the deepest recesses of our hearts and souls.

Hope holding your hand

Smiling at you


i feel every word you have wriiten here, this one is in my favourites and bookmarked
