Just thought it might be nice to post something from the notepad and showing a little sign of life;)


Star-struck by your being
I'm blind, beyond repair
Broke my eyes like glass
But i`m not running in despair

Don't need my eyes for seeing
They're useless anyway
Because the presence of you, shining
Would be all I'd ever see

The sun is bright and shiny
But gets dirty when compared
To your supreme existence
Not even the devil was prepared

Oh, he haunted and he tortured
Tormented, made me scream
But it stopped like a clock on a Sunday
Silently, but extreme

It blew up in my face
Parts of clockwork everywhere
Now I'm with a descended being
Seeing angels everywhere

The sun is bright and shiny
But get's dirty when compared
To your supreme existence
Not even the devil was prepared

Oh, he haunted and he tortured
Tormented, made me scream
But it stopped like a clock on a Sunday
Silently, but extreme

Poetry by Cr4Ky
Read 1124 times
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Written on 2011-03-07 at 09:24

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John Ashleigh
I was engrossed within the lines of your poem. This deserves the editors choice, indeed. I hope we see more of your poetry? Keep sharing.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Thanks a lot!
It`s been almost a complete year i think, since i last posted, so it was time to do something about it:) have been busy studying and just never got around to do anything creative (except some notebook-texts like this one)

Very strong lines
a compelling read
and quite a welcome back
after a period of being away!