Just something HAPPY inspired by Cr4Ky an GB

Glad you're smiling.

I am glad to see you smiling,
in spite of all your pain,
for I have always known,
the sun would once again
be down in your world shining,
and I still love you for WHO you are,
and it cheers me to see you smiling,
as I know in life you will go far.


Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 614 times
Written on 2006-01-16 at 03:13

Tags Happiness 

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Zoya Zaidi
When I read this,I feel
You are talking to me!
Are you talking to me?
'Cause if you're, I must tell you:
"Your poem brings smiles to me!"
MayGod bless thee!!!

((((Some hugs from me to thee!!))))

wow! it`s beautiful! it`s incredible too see how a little inspiration makes you write great poetry! you really are a good writer! and now i`m smiling even more!