As the title suggests. A reply to a "Poet Basher"

A Poet Basher

In reply to "Poet Bashing"

A.B. I fear you've lost the plot
Of poems you have read or not
A few to read I would advise
To open up your mind and eyes
Kipling's Ballard of East and West
I deem to be one of the best
Please read "The Ladies" or even "If"
Kipling Classics with just a whiff
Of Honour, Life and Daring Do
Enough, I think for even you!!
John Masefield's "Sea Fever"
A rhyme of note
Could stir your heart by just a mote
For Romance and Humour
Try one of mine
At on line
Look me up as RoPalWil
In different categories of skill
Have a read, say what you think
Even if you think I stink
Good Reading
and good luck

Poetry by Ropawil
Read 789 times
Written on 2009-02-04 at 19:34

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Dee Daffodil
Surely no one would bash poems on here... Other sites I've been on perhaps...but not here. This is a pretty classy site. :-)