Just a ditty to a very special young lady

No title

If I looked into your eyes, I wonder what I'd see

Would there be a lot of love for

3 dogs, 2 cats and 15 rabbits and not a lot left for me

Would I see the sunshine in there or loneliness and pain

Perhaps a bouquet of stunning flowers that I could cut and come again

Maybe healthy, hearty laughter, buried deep within

Or a wicked sense of humour covered by a grin

I know I'd find a tender heart,---- compassion

Gentleness and devotion to a pet

What would really make my day

Would be to find a clever little VET.

(Get studying! I want to be at your graduation)

Poetry by Ropawil
Read 779 times
Written on 2009-04-14 at 10:10

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