My favourite day of the year, as my birthday approaches,
we celebrated in the sun with a barb-e-que.

Midsummer's Day

We saw hitchhikers,
Going down to
Not Druids,
But backpackers
Paying homage
To our Sun,
On her highest day,
Her brightest day,
Her longest day,
Her Summer Solstice.

The life-giving
Of sunlight.

The gift of light,
In an ever,
Darkening world.

From a happy God,
To all His children,
Wherever they may be,

Poetry by Esti D-G
Read 573 times
Written on 2009-06-21 at 23:48

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Malin Johansson
A very vivid and soothing poem here about the fabulous midsummers day:)

Rob Graber
Darn! I so wish people would not put astronomical data to WORSHIPFUL purposes. Meditation and even some kind of reverence, maybe; but not worship! Conflating science and worship: that is my idea of sacrilege!
PS: Clearly, I found this a provocative write!