For C.A. Duffy
The 20th Poet Laureate
On her affair with Adrian Henri


Fucked by poetry,
Aged 17,
The hero met,
The life begun.

Now a woman,
She chose to love
A god,
Twice her years.

And I remember
His poems,
As anthems
Of my youth.

"Love is
A wellington
Full of blood."
A shocker
In the sixties,
With a talent
For the macabre
And mischievous.

And as he taught
You poetry,
We too
Soaked up
His everyword.

For everything.

While you
In a lovebed
Of adoration,

We adulated
His everypoem,
His everyword,
His everymove.

But you were
His queen.
His epicentre,
His perfect woman,
With a perfect

I will always,
Read your poems,
All your poems,
Written with a perfect

With love.

Poetry by Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 619 times
Written on 2010-02-09 at 22:05

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awwwwww ur so sweet and amazing.
that was realy unique, and u made it special by
ur won words

well done

Rob Graber
Ah, those sweet susceptibilities of youth... Enjoyed this!

Princess Charles
Wow, this made me smile. I especially love your words "everypoem, everyword, everymove". But the whole poem is great, in rhythm and wording and form.