First time i've done a nursery rhyme don't know the inspiration


Butterflies, A Counting Nursery Rhyme.

One butterfly flew in for some tea
said to his friend "would you please join me?"
how many for tea will there be?

Two butterflies flew in for some tea
said to their friend "would you please join me?"
you and me and one more makes three.

Three butterflies flew in for some tea
said to their friend "would you please join me?"
"I'd love to" said their friend with glee.

How pleasant now we have four,
are we expecting anymore?
our tea party has come alive, one more coming that makes five"

Five butterflies flew in for some tea
said to their friends "that was lovely"
"we'll have to do this again, for you are a wonderful friend."


Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 602 times
Written on 2010-07-24 at 15:23

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This one could be a song, good work.