Words, when not sufficiently well thought-through, can have far-reaching effects. Sometimes it feels necessary to make sure that no harm has been done.

Checking the Balance

Sometimes I worry
That you feel insufficient
From my careless words.

But please remember:
Language filters thoughts, intents,
Sometimes misleading!

I would never ask
Any more of you, my love;
Spoil our harmony.

You already give
All of you that you can spare,
And my cup is full.

Haiku by TonyD
Read 1219 times
Written on 2010-12-28 at 00:42

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Tony...as long as your cup is full, you must be on the right track...

good poem

xxx Stan

The important things
Are sometimes not so easy
But still beautiful

Very true . . . and nicely done. The path between thoughts and language can often be a slippery slope,