My attempt at a Sestina. This was a very challenging form.

Sapphire Sky

On this dark and dusky night
underneath a cobalt sky
I shiver beneath a bright full moon.
Feet press dimples in fallen snow
as I walk out in the bitter cold
following the brightest star.

Beneath this canopy of stars
I wonder at my thoughts this night
while my cheeks sting from the cold.
Above me is an indigo sky
my footfalls echo in the snow
I'm guided by the light of this full moon.

Have you seen a brighter moon?
Its brilliance sits among the stars
I think of you as I feel the snow
for I long to see you on this night.
I long to feel your embrace under this blueberry sky
for in your arms I will not feel cold.

My nose and cheeks feel frosty cold
I recall our first embrace under this moon
floating in a dark blue velvet sky.
We danced among the wondrous stars
there wasn't a more perfect night
than when we walked in the snow,

and in the lightly falling snow
we held hands not feeling cold
staring into each others eyes that night.
Your eyes, lit up by a brilliant moon,
showed the reflections of the stars
floating in a sea of midnight sky.

Tonight I search the sapphire sky
I feel upon my face the snow
like tiny, icy falling stars
they don't feel very cold
as I walk alone with death's full moon
on this my final night.

The stars are fading from the sky
this night I lay upon the snow
no longer do I feel cold, I'll see you in the moon

Poetry by Doreen Cavazza
Read 835 times
Written on 2011-01-02 at 09:43

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Rex Panthera
I've no clue as to what a sestina is. Bugs me a little but as they say; you learn as you live. However I'd like to take the opportunity to congratulate you for your efforts in writing one.
I like the result very much. Splendid poetry all in all with a tragic ending that enhances the beautiful content. A pleasure to read.

Having once tried to write one and given up, I'm awed at your accomplishment and art. Perhaps you've studied other sestinas but if you haven't read Elizabeth Bishop's "Sestina" or "Miracle for Breakfast" I would recommend them.