
My body feels cold
aching with this pain I can't feel


Like I was meant to fly
but I never found my wings
so I fall
with nothing to grab a hold of

You found me when I was so close to just giving up
going to sleep and not being alive anymore
you said you didn't want to loose someone that had such great potential of being a great friend

Here I am years later

A marriage put on ice
two people so desperately close
yet so far away from each other

The fire of belief flickering in a hurricane
that doesn't seem to want to go away

and I'm still struggling to blink the sleep out of my eyes
struggling to breathe
to survive this numbing pain
I don't know where came from

I'm still struggling to find some joy out of a life
where the things that before gave me meaning
now feel insufficient

to answer the question I was asking myself back when I was 17
and you stopped me from letting myself fall into death

"What do I have to live for?"

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1138 times
Written on 2011-01-26 at 19:49

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you truelly a soulful writer

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

The wish for love is eternal. Beautifully written, yet the poem holds a lot of sorrow. I like this one a lot.

Language: 4
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5