a new shade of blue

on a day like today
a bluewinged raven
flew above my head
floated in cirkles for a while
just to make a wild landing
dimming my sight

on a day like today
I sat with amazement in my hand
sparkling with sadness
I admired it for a while
even though it bit me

on a day like today
I wished loudly
that tomorrow
could come
to chop off this ravens head
and make a new shade of its wingcolour
to paste on the painting
of you

Poetry by MadinSane
Read 1412 times
Written on 2005-05-25 at 12:26

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
very plath like, was my first thought with the raven within the poem. a good piece - flowing smoothly and i liked the ending with the painting.

i like this poem, i read alot of wisdom in it's words

Hi, nice to read you in English, as well!
The raven, again: I LOVE it!
But I still think it reads better with "dimming my sight" instead of "and dim my sight"...
My, my! You are blood red here, are you not?