becoming a mama

hot flush, cold sweat, pee on a stick,
can't sleep, so tired, always feeling sick
aches here, pains there, clothes won't fit
body swells, craving sweets, need a sugar hit
temper fails, brain melts, patience wearing thin,
tearful, down and crying now at the state I'm in
nine months, yeah right! more like ten,
not long now, so I'm told, YEAH! but when?
birthing pool, yoga ball, midwife on demand
waters break, can't dilate, this isn't what I planned
on the ward, drug me up, cut the baby out
not a push, not a shove, not even a shout
she looks at me and I at her, daddy starts to cry
surgeons stitch, nurses dress and mummy is still high
home again, sleepless nights, tits out all the time
nappy wash, colic screams, but hell, this beauty's mine.

Poetry by la tristesse
Read 586 times
Written on 2011-07-03 at 22:23

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
So well written and so well express. Good to see you back , La tristesse and writing so we can read your work.
Ken ( : = ) )

Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
Very well written
with humor and truth
Thanks for sharing

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You don't get many honest accounts so I like this, gritty and down to earth with humour and love

Elle x

la tristesse
Ah, cheers, boys!

@countryfog - Yes, supportive and stunned, hmmm, have you met my husband? ;)

@ Rob - You leave my mammories out of this, you cheeky thing!

@ Ferenc - 'What a woman', Well thank you, my love; you don't know the half of it! ;)

All the details that we men may see but never experience. We're there to help begin the miracle, but for the next nine months we're just stunned (and hopefully supportive) spectators.

Rob Graber
Great account, mamma! (That spelling is, I suddenly notice, very mammalian--not to mention mammarian!)

Ferenc Inigo Beck
What a woman!
Wonderful story.