Tough Love

A soft scintilla of skin,
begins with two lush lips locked lustfully
breaking the aching tension,
suspension ends.
Trusting me, you give me
the key to get in to the place
I never have been.

Pinned to the wall,
you have me falling for all
that you are.
Jarred by the rush, blushing
I'm crushed by the heavy dependency
of love.

You taste fragrant.
As I lazily lay back
your face grazes mine
sublimely, finally eye to eye
in tight proximity you give into me
and me to you like two lovers hewn from
Rodin's stone.

Not an utterance spoken
As broken defences lie unmended
we pretend there's no end to this thing we've started
Whole heartedly throwing
ourselves into throes that render us
glowing and spent.

Then all is still.
Insistent that this does not desist
but remains, exists and thrills
We go on, too long.
Desperate to right past wrongs
prove that we can keep it alive
we drive on.

It dives and dies.
Crashes and burns.
Yearning turns to spurned
Chances rebuffed.
Love's tough.

Poetry by la tristesse
Read 890 times
Written on 2012-06-17 at 17:27

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The sad ups and downs of being in love - you covered it very well.

Quite erotic to start with as you build up the scene - only for it all to come crashing down.

I enjoyed this one very much - thank you.

Poppy ~xx~
2012-06-20 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh... I seriously lack the words tonight, but this really tickled my fancy, if I can express it that way :) Seriously takes me away, and I love that any writing. Excellent reading for me, thanks :)