Slade Greened Girl

Slade greened girl, what is that rose on your foot?
Do you choose to walk on thorns?
Or do you instigate to sting?
Metal, Drugs, Danson & Geese
A random Sham 69 spoke music in the east
So why did you cry when you met me?
You knew didn't you? About my Mother...
That's why you told me about yours.

I lusted, but always you saw more than that
Drinking lucozade over the tennis courts
When I'm serving Roast Chicken for the Platt

I am beginning to see the mystery here now...
It's making me feel nervous
There you are, you spoke to me again!
We laughed again, and the courthouse say we had sex
As we taxied ourselves away into the Heath
That was fun!

But I'm still stung by your oracle
As you walk red coated with that rose on your foot
So may you live in hamony and natural fulfillment
Whatever the turn out may be!

Words by Richard Wilson
Read 986 times
Written on 2011-08-16 at 02:46

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well written , so well expresst , emagerney very good. Keep writing

What a fascinating portrait, RW.
I must say, the mystery here makes me a little nervous too! A wealth of images in my mind; most enjoyable.