So Imagine...
Imagine if there was a planet somewhere else in the universe that was part of a completely different system of star and planet allignments. Much older than Earth and more advanced biologically and artificially. Imagine if it's orbit actually managed to come in our path once every, let's say something like twenty-five-thousands years and along with that came apparent extra-terrestrial contact, unexplainable technological advances, even natural distasters and comets ruining pretty much everything on Earth. That would be mad...Imagine if some people on Earth actually knew about this the whole time, like an "Elite" that had kept a record and planned a way into survival and a new-age by dividing humanity and keeping everybody preoccupied with greed, materialism and naivity. I reckon that would be pretty crazy... Possible though.
Essay by Richard Wilson
Read 862 times
Written on 2011-08-29 at 17:41
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