To a very important Poet

Every word you say makes me want you more.
I crave each subtle utterance.
Voiced sotto voce
Takes me to a place familiar and warm.
As cantos stack in the sound cloud,
the wanting mounting,
I'm transformed.
Transported by how you talk about important every day happenings
in flat northern vowels
that soar without bounds,
unlimited truths
of how it is to be around you.

The word for the sound of dew on roses is the same as the one that defines
the poignant quaver in your throat when your emotional tremulous tones repeat for me so bittersweetly.

I'll tell you how it feels to see you read:
It is to be kissed so deeply while my heart is excised with your beautiful knife.
Cessations in phrases are as strong as the words that hurt so exquisitely
driving me to listen ceaselessly.

Tears slip from the eyes of women to whom you've given three minutes, then three minutes more building to a score and an audience of slick cheeks, moistened lips and battered hearts that can still laugh by virtue of the spell you cast.
And this shameless blushing adoration spills out unstopped,
ill formed and raw.
Drawn from butterfly filled guts
via an inspired mind
wishing to mine the rich seams of yours.
Written with passion for pieces of you,
crumbs gleaned from youtube
and the profoundly etched memory of our chat
on a London pavement that might as well have been the moon;
so enlightening are you.

But for now, I'll keep my head down,
listen, learn and practice
making my own little magics
and craft and graft and grow
until I might repay a bit of what I took
from the book of a very important poet I know.

Poetry by la tristesse
Read 701 times
Written on 2012-04-21 at 21:53

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Rob Graber
Well, needless to say, I am positively GREEN with envy... Enjoyed the text though!
