Precious lonely moments
Are wasted doing domestic chores
To decant patience into mouth-watering curries
And simmer them with dollops of affection...
I've achieved them all and more
Now, I rest my case.
The chill of the water from the kitchen sink
Makes my flesh numb
And my fingers turn frigid and pale
The blood in the tributaries of my arteries
seems anesthetized...
I hold my cup of black tea
Laced with the strong aroma of ginger and black salt
And warm the palms of my hand.
My hands scuffle for a paper and pen
To hastily capture the sequence of thoughts
Moving across my mind
With a velocity of a passing train.
Words swim around like morsels
In an alphabet soup
Scores of them stray and evaporate
Before I pen them, all in a jiffy
Thoughts are not premeditated
They are like falling stars
Unarrested, they burnout
And disintegrate...
I stare at the words of the poem
Which emerge on the paper
Like unrequited love
A meteor shower.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1213 times
Written on 2013-01-05 at 19:17

Tags Winter  Chill  Tea 

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Really enjoyed this. Great flow. The imagery use of how thoughts enter our mind and the race against time to capture them before they evaporate is really well done.

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 5