A few of my friends have been featured in this one under the cover of a few choice adjectives. I trust they can identify themselves.

For your reference, Jack Kerouac was a poet from the Beat Generation.

Written on 15th March, 2014

Tapping Feet Behind a Lamp

Tapping feet behind a lamp

How do you play so well

Are you crazy I love how you play

The music is happy

The player isn't

His toes look like franks

Lol Skinny and Hairy are gonna die laughing

They're distracting me

Navaz is acting gay

There's no testosterone there

Lol the feet are singing of denial

That's such a problematic topic

To be or not to be

An existential crisis

Boys scare me so much

You love that which frightens you

Masochism is everywhere

I'm such a terribly boring stoner

Feel like Kerouac

Pukey would totally bang that

I sound like such a barbie

Pukey looks like one

All flawless and all

I'm pretty much the opposite of that

I'm only showing this to Superman

No one else

Fuck I should've stayed home with his computer screen face

Just drank some water

Head feels clearer

My imagination is soon dying

I already sound smarter

I need to stop


Words by Sharanya Venkataraman
Read 1086 times
Written on 2015-08-20 at 18:21

Tags Poetry  High  Music 

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