This one was inspired by 'What If You' by Joshua Radin.

The Album and The Making

If the air that sustained you could suffocate you
Imagine what the other elements could do to you
We let context combust life's magic
We react to the world and forget to respond
Life moves in circles
We choose to fill it with squares
We spread ourselves within them
Our heads between our legs
We trust in the frailty of human choice
We swim in the puddle of words and voices
The louder we speak, the less we're heard
My conscience whispers and I'm deaf to her
In all this entirety exists my emptiness
I'm a broken egg shell
The child in me bled out when she was sixteen

Poetry by Sharanya Venkataraman
Read 1291 times
Written on 2015-09-02 at 00:33

Tags Poetry  Music  Love 

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