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Member since 2006-11-08
Has written 135 comments

Has received 269 applauds


I am Peter Pan, rather than Wendy. My body is growing old but my mind refuses to accept it. I love cats, though I have none because it is not a safe place where I now live, but I cherish the memory of some wonderful felines who have enriched my life.
I may not read many texts, because I like to read, and re-read, and give a considered comment which I hope will convey how I feel about what I have read.

Marie Cadavieco

79 years old from England


Remembering (1) - 2024-01-23
Tanka for Autumn (2) - 2022-10-23

MY TEXTS, Archive 109 Texts

Civil War (6) - 2019-10-13
dark mind (2) - 2019-10-03
My Mother's Hands (4) - 2019-08-22
Sonnet to a cat (3) - 2019-08-20
Desire born of love - 2019-08-20
Fading away (2) - 2019-08-18
Your Face (1) - 2019-08-17
Husband Moncho helps with Dinner (2) - 2019-08-17
The lover (2) - 2019-08-17
Heart damage (3) - 2019-08-15
Abundance (1) - 2019-08-15
An English journey (3) - 2019-08-15
Living for today (3) - 2019-08-13
More Random Creatures (3) - 2019-08-12
Random Creatures (2) - 2019-08-11
Some days (2) - 2019-08-10
Cats (2) - 2019-08-09
China's Wonders (3) - 2019-08-08
Conversations no 2 (1) - 2019-08-08
Giving - 2019-08-04

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Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/marram