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TAG NAME Birthday

Forty-Four Years Ago (1) Randy Johnson 2015-08-21
Womb (3) Randy Johnson 2015-08-20
Lunch Outdoors (3) TonyD 2009-04-11
A Birthday Haiku (3) TonyD 2009-04-11
After the Birthday Party (2) Caprice 2009-04-05
Birthday Song (1) Puddled 2008-04-15
Many Happy Friends Return...?? (2) pic Neelima 2008-04-04
Happy Birthday Poets. (3) Judy T Lloyd 2007-03-02
09-04-89 (7) Inked. 2006-09-04
I Need You Today (21) Zoya Zaidi 2006-04-08
Alice's Birthday (2) IronicBanana 2006-03-22
20 Years (5) QuiZZer 2006-02-23
Sisters of a twenty years... (3) Peter 2006-02-20
Fun otteri selvakumar 2006-01-17