
People warned me how you could be
But I was excited to see
How it finally be you and me!

I had wanted to be with you for so long
But recently I was proven wrong.

You were so toxic and I couldn't pull away
In you arms I always wanted to stay
Until you made me feel like he did one day.

That day there I knew I had to leave
I had to pull myself from you and be free.

I was so hurt and wanted to feel pain
With your love my heart will have stains
There was no way I would once again let myself go insane.

I have control over me and what I do
A piece of me will alway love you.

I was trying to live my dream
But truth is never as they seem
You messed with my self esteem.

Nothing but toxic is what we are
My heart will always carry the scar.

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 618 times
Written on 2018-12-10 at 02:44

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