People Change

I've changed and not for the best
Each day life throws you test after test

Many of which I have failed
After 20 years I'm still not healed

I used to be quiet and held everything in
I learned that either way I can't win

Lately I have learned to use my voice
I know my life is my choice

I know my choices aren't always what's best for me
At that moment it's all I can see

When I set my mind on something there's no changing it
To ease the pain I'm feeling I get lit

Very few will understand the things I've been through
Most people don't even have the slightest clue

I know I've changed and honestly don't like who I've become
Most days I just feel very numb

On the days that I feel anything at all
I remember how far down I did fall

Climbing out would take to long
So instead I pretend to be strong

I put a smile on my face
Wishing I was any place...
Any place but here!

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 150 times
Written on 2023-02-11 at 16:35

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
I agree with Josephus, Shannon
Life can be great when you let it in.
Take care of yourself Shannon.
Regards Alan

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Well written. Hang in there. What appears catastrophic today will become landscape tomorrow. Trust yourself. You are getting better with every day you live!