Missing Pieces

Pieces of my heart have hit the ground
Never again to be found
I searched high and low
Where the hell did they go?

An end piece that holds every other piece in place
Please excuse me while I wipe the tears that roll down my face
I have lost count of all the times I sit there and cry
But truth be told…that is how I get by

The hurt and the pain that I feel
I know that I will never heal
I am broken and no tape or glue will ever fix
My heart and mind plays to many tricks

Who I was last year will never again be
My heart and soul will never again be free
Everyday is a struggle but is it really worth it?
Everyone is telling me not to quit

I don’t want to but I am so tired and drained
My feelings will never be explained
What happened to the days I held it all in
I’m fighting a fight I can not win!

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 178 times
Written on 2023-01-10 at 01:10

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Evocative. The first stanza sets the tone; and yes, hopefully this will pass.

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Shannon a live not lived,
Isn't worth living. You will find your heart again someday.
When you find someone who appreciates you,
And what your giving. The turmoil that you are going through,
Has been felt by many of us. Don't give up on yourself.
Regards Alan