Without You

My heart went from a puzzle missing pieces to a pile of dust
All from trying to adjust
Without letting myself self destruct

Almost 10 years but feeling still like yesterday
I will never forget it was a Saturday
In my head and in my dreams that morning often replays

All the questions I will never have answers to
All the things I wish I could go back and do
I would do anything just again to have you

You were the one person who could set me straight
But now there's no hope for me...it's now to late
I feel some ease when I isolate

Life without you I can't bare
Living each day in fear
Fighting back each and every tear

This is who I have become without you
Not knowing what to say or do
Always feeling down and blue

Looking to end all my pain
Before I truly go insane
My feelings and emotions I wish to contain

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 133 times
Written on 2023-02-11 at 16:47

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