My FIRST ever try at this form

Mahogany Ponderings(Renrhyme Challenge)

I ponder and sit, I sit and I ponder
inside this twisted mind of mine,
out the window I look at the hills over yonder
and calmly sip my white wine.

Inside this mahogany study,
I ponder and sit I sit and ponder
at my side is my dog Buddy,
out the window, I look at the hills over yonder.

The thoughts that race
inside this twisted mine of mine,
up and down my study I pace
and calmly sip my white wine.

Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 482 times
Written on 2020-01-18 at 05:29

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Liz

I like this a lot. The rhyme for the most part seems natural. And I absolutely love the title!