Training My Heart

Training my heart for one last fight
One that I must fight with all my might

I have been weak for way to long
But it's time for me to correct this wrong

I was wrong to fall for you
Because your words were not true

For many years I told myself a lie
Now it's time for those feelings to die

Hurting deeply struggling through the pain
Some days feeling like I am going insane

Training myself to get over my fear
As I try hard not to shed a single tear

I can see now that my love only had one side
I am not going to allow myself to run and hide

I learned my lesson the hard way
And now I must focus day by day

I am turning my life around
Building myself up from the ground

I played your game and now it's time for you to play mine
While I sit back and sip on my wine

Training my heart will soon come to an end
Because my love I am no longer willing to send

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 329 times
Written on 2020-05-08 at 00:04

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