A day spent with coastal imagery


Hiking through saltwater marshes
The wind blows by my sunburned face
It skates toward the horizon
In a fevered rush to catch the sun

I mark the puddles with my boots
A signature of human spirit
My posture stiff with every step
A seagull’s shadow paints the sand

The surf becomes a beating hammer
Like a blacksmith to the waves
Sounding primal beats behind me
I start on my way back home again

Poetry by Hans Bump
Read 412 times
Written on 2020-11-25 at 04:46

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a fine poem. It contains everything it should and nothing that it shouldn't.

You've managed to take me on your journey, I enjoyed every step. Love the final stanza, especially the line " like a blacksmith to the waves."

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderfully graphic I could see and hear the scene unfolding. Also one of my favourite environments.

An excellence. Good to see you again!