
I am better off without you
Nothing you said was true

You told lie after lie
Causing me to cry

I loved you and you could have had it all
When you need help don’t you dare give me a call

I made a mistake to let you in
What we did many people consider a sin

I will leave all this in the past
I now know it wasn’t meant to last

It’s time for me to do me
It’s time for me to live care free

Do what you want because I can care less
Because I will dig myself out of this mess

I don’t need you or anyone else
Because with all my heart I love myself

Each day I will grow stronger
I don’t need you any longer

2023 will be my year
What do I have left to fear

I have already been through so much hell
You wouldn’t believe the stories I can tell

I am a strong woman who will stand tall and proud
While yelling “I am better off without you” nice and loud!!!

Poetry by Shannon Ann Britto
Read 106 times
Written on 2023-01-10 at 01:00

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