I'm feeling blue so I thought I'd flex my creative muscles.

I hope no one's offended by this.

Oh, and comment or a shark will break into your house and explode all over your fridge

Cheap Imitations to Court Inspiration

Lawrence Beck

To grow old is no grave matter, it’s the
Waiting, the in-between, the ticking
Of the biological clock that irks me.
How skin sags, bones start to creak
And even breath gives up on you sometimes.
If I could go back into the womb
And stop myself from being born, most days
I can’t imagine I would say no.

Alan J Ripley

The winter sun makes me warm
Like how a hug does,
And that’s what I tell myself
When I get too cold
Maybe I could go get a hug
I am happy I can and that I have
People to hug
How sweet it is when everything
Around you reminds you of love.

Ngoc Nguyen

A stranger in a strange world I
Still find solace in each breath passed
From out nostrils that twitch, and try
To breathe despite how unsurpassed

Strangeness can be, often its cursed
But to be strange means you’re unique
And that’s what I focus on first
When gripped by stray melancholy

D G Moody

The sweetest sight is
The bright blue sky, cloudless,
Or maybe one or two about
Outside the curtains
Beckoning the day.

Today I am alive, and
Tomorrow isn’t promised
But this is the one loan I
Don’t intend to feel bad about.

Uncle Meridian

A smile is sweet but a laugh is tasty,
Isn’t that right, my morose friend?
And I can tell your stomach is empty
By just how your brows are bent.

So, let me feed you in small morsels
Verses filled with joy, and give
First a taste, and then a jarful
Of happiness, as a simple gift.

One Trick Pony

I’ve been looking into myself recently
To find answers

Like eyes peering in an aquarium
But in this case I’m both

The eye on the outside
And the fish on the inside

Both curious and clueless
Still I swim and gawk and gawk and swim

Pointless is my pastime.


I think poems are the only way
To tell you how I feel
Because words don’t have
The same resilience, my love
Maybe if I keep writing
Poetry then love can become
Physical enough
That when you miss me
Like I often miss you
You can hold the pages
That hold my poems
And in that way
Hold me

Ingvar Loco Nordin

The cockroach can’t tell God from trash
And in that way it is superior
To man who constantly tries to find
Meaning in both

But what is even worse
He tries to justify the search
As some new-fangled thing
When really
Since the dawn of man he
Has been searching while
Things fall off his plate

And the cockroach follows close behind
Eating our leftovers
In that too
It is the wiser of us two

Nils Teodor

Are a
Broken thing but
Maybe it can

We often
Can’t spit out
As sweet


I can see the end of my life
Sometimes like the last note
Of a song, because it rhymes
With how the song has been
Playing from the beginning.
Does this mean my life is one note?
Sometimes it really feels so
But that is not to say
I didn’t dance. Yes.
That is not to say
I didn’t dance.


they say a dog is the happiest
existence in the world because it has no expectations
so if I howl at the moon enough

can I get started on being happy too?
or did I fail before I began
because I “wanted” in the first place?

ken d williams

No matter what happens
Life goes on
That is a blessing

We could all die tomorrow
But this globe we call home
Will not stop
That is a blessing

Sameen Shakya

The Frustrated Wordsmith of Kathmandu

Poetry by Sameen
Read 380 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2023-11-24 at 09:41

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Your poem has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting on our poetry website!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We gain from others
From what they
Give with their words
As we do from you Sameen
Ken D.

MetaPoetics The PoetBay support member heart!

Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
"There's a man going 'round tellin' names" - I think I heard a song like that long ago! And I don't mind being mentioned here!! With, among others, Griffoner - who was my first friend here! And side by side with Sona, who walks with me every day, whether she knows it or not! A great way of writing, and SO original! Sameen, hit on it, and who knows what you'll find! Great!

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
i truly enjoyed reading the poem. Its refreshing and written with such finesse. A smart take on us and business of writing.

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
oh My, Sameen
this is epic, a ballad, an ode and yet so much more. Thank you for being with us on this journey. Thank you so so much. i will be reading and re- reading this one a lot. You have expressed so much for so many of us- its like we are a community now. Thank you so so much!

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
My first assignment in my first poetry class was to write a poem in imitation of Pier Plowman, so what you've done makes sense, and a lot of fun.

Lynn's rarely uses similes, her entry would look more like this:

i have been looking into myself
to find answers

i am curious
pointless is my pastime.


bravo, Sameen.

This is genius and as Lawrence said, good likeness.

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
This was such a different poem, one that I don't think any of us expected. The danger is, in reading too much into the individual stanzas and by so doing missing the lovely poem. Bravo Sameen!

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo! I love UM's slant rhymes.

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Namaste Sameen. Perhaps one day there will be grace to hear your thoughts on me as well 🙏🏻 and these need not be posted up on the thread, lol 😆

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
An inspired allergy of a few well received,
Present day poetic poet's.
It's nice to flex the muscles of the mind,
One in a while. Think mines set to erase and rewind.
Salutations regards Alan.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Good likenesses, I'd say.