This poem is ignited by the sadness, frustration and deep fury at another violent shooting and killing at a postsecondary school in Montreal.

Lethal Legacy

Echoes of Marc Lepine...death surrounding, screams demanding
Begging to stay alive...terror, fear, flashback to 1989 where
Fourteen women paid the price for just wanting to go to school...
Training in a male-dominated profession...Lepine resentful,
Jealous of the women who got in--while he was rejected.
Thinking affirmative action--gender favouritism a factor; but that
Of course was his delusion...
Marc Lepine's evil legacy left a hole of evil in the often
Harmonious and safe college scene...I was nineteen...studying
For my Christmas exams...Shock, disbelief birthed two poems
About the injustices against women...Who would think that
I would be screaming through my pen yet again about another
Horrible scene, the legacy of a sick Marc Lepine...
1992, I was twenty-two--absense of memory evades me...
A university professor from Concordia College killed four
Colleagues in open fire--why? Revenge revealed in blood?
I just don't remember the incident in 1992--I was just
Twenty-two--maybe I was blocking out the violence that can
Go on in postsecondary schools...hoping that I was safe in a
World governed by fairness and academic rules...
Cut to 2006--I'm 36 now pursuing a Masters Degree--following
My dream, educational ecstasy--but what if there is a man
Jealous of my achievement--and others like it; and wants to
To take it out on others by leaving them dead in lethal gunfire?
What if a disturbed university professor wants to wreak
Revenge on other fellow colleagues or students--would I be
Lucky to remain alive? Why is it that this male purge of violence
haunts the colleges and universities of Montreal? What is it
About that place that is already tainted by horrifying images of
Murder? Gun control has been tightened since 1989--the
Montreal Massacre; and it seems effective: but are we also
Delusional--wondering that it's a guarantee of our safety?
Sick men with guns, one wearing a trench coat, have slipped
Through the system--no matter how fail proof...Is it
Inevitable that we too (Canadians) have to suffer at the hands
Of Violent Men? I don't know, but the clock ticks, one person
Is dead--and the world is again in shock and emotional dread.

Poetry by Alison Clarke
Read 1078 times
Written on 2006-09-14 at 01:57

Tags Montreal  Lepine  Massacre 

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
As a resident of Hungerford in berkshire where the Hungerford massacre took place on 19th August 1987, I em pathise with this text. All authorities decided it was an end to the free availability of guns in the UK.

It is a sad fact that today even after the Dunblane massacre of school children, and further promised controls, guns are more readily available no than at any time in our history a very powerful text needed saying and you did it so skillfully well don Alison rgds mike

Judy T Lloyd
I read that story today and thought with dismay that it is true, violence escapes no one. I am sorry for your dismay and wish it was not the way it is.

keith nunes
heavy heavy heavy stuff. well said!