y'know, this poem really says it all for me. i was sitting around remembering how life was when i was younger. and how much different it is now. i dont know, my thoughts were pretty much presented in the poem. enjoy!

When We Were Kids!

do you remember the days?
those days of long ago
when all that mattered
was the little pleasures we know
do you remember the nights?
the nights when we were small
we'd try to stay up past 10 until
back into sleep we'd fall

do you remember the years?
when we just waited for the school year to pass by
we hung out at recess, and sometimes after school
when we were fascinated by the blue of the sky?
do you remember the times?
when innocence prevailed
when everything was fun, and the whole world was nice
until we woke up ten years later thinking in life that we failed

what happened to those days?
those days filled with contented bliss
when all we need to make our day
was from mommy a hug or a kiss?
what happened to those nights?
those nights of just enough sleep
was it easier to wake up, knowing the day would be good
then now, with this stressful outlook we keep?

what happened to those years?
those years of playing at the park, hide and seek, looking warily at beehives?
surounded by happiness, stress free environments
instead of our now burdened, unhappy lives?
what happened to those times?
when we woke up early for cereal and cartoons
when school was filled with playtime and fun
when birthdays were filled with clowns and balloons?

dont you miss those things you let go?
dont you miss fingerpainting and playing in the snow?
dont you miss all the stupid things we used to do?
yeah, me too
i miss every day
when i just wanted to play
i miss every night
when sleep came right after someone turned off the light
i miss every year
that the boogieman was my only fear
i miss every time
looking for a tree to climb
fractured moments forever lost
if we choose to ignore the cost
of not keeping in mind
our daily grind
wouldnt be so bad
if we kept the same mindset we had

when we were kids

Poetry by matt
Read 650 times
Written on 2006-09-20 at 13:31

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"i miss every night
when sleep came right after someone turned off the light"
-Yeah, coz now we have to worry about the world,

Its society that turns our hearts crooked and cold,
Couldnt grow up and find all the idealisms we were once told,
Led to negativity, fear, angst and ruth,
Losing oursleves in promises of security and truth.

Beautiful expression of your heart.

I enjoyed this very much. I totally believe that to stay young...gotta keep the kid inside of us alive...so I still get out the finger paints sometimes just for fun. No worries in the world as kids, then we gotta grow up and those boogie men that keep us awake at night - become bills to pay instead! Really enjoyed this - and the memories that it took hold of me of my own childhood when I read it. Excellent read and bookmarked. ps. reminds me of my youngest son now too !

Thanks for taking us on that journey through your poem....
Now I will go on a similar trip myself.... :_)

Thanks for taking us on that journey through your poem....
Now I will go on a similar trip myself.... :_)