This rose

This angel with facets I'd cherish forever
A perfect disaster, golden minefield to get through
I held infinite value to every thought and letter
And Beauty was just a word until I met you

I sit on a glaciers edge
Watching fading whisps of what you said
It's cold but its beautiful
The feelings and the words I read
I've always known that you don't know
Your tears of joy are what I've bled

I see the lake on a planet
A rock in the lake
I hear your laughter in my sleep
Feel silence when I wake
And I'd do anything sometimes
To change how you feel
But I know that wishes granted
Probably still wouldn't feel real
There's been so much forgotten, too much to lose
I've never really prayed but this time was for you
I'll never know the joy or feel the warmth of your truth
But I hope someone will hold you as this rose that is blue

I could relive it all, the thousandth show
But would it really matter
I've got the lessons and love
Left from what you shattered
And you'll never see me again
The way you did for a time
I'll be a better man, a different man
For someone else to find
I will grit my teeth and find some faith
Faith I didn't have before I knew you
That you'll be held up by another angel
Who can see how you're blue

I see the lake on a planet
A rock in the lake
I hear your laughter in my sleep
Feel silence when I wake
And I'd do anything sometimes
To change how you feel
But I know that wishes granted
Probably still wouldn't feel real
There's been so much forgotten, too much to lose
I've never really prayed but this time was for you
I'll never know the joy or feel the warmth of your truth
But I hope someone will hold you as this rose that is blue

Poetry by matt
Read 824 times
Written on 2013-03-15 at 09:57

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Beautifully written! Applause:-)