Roses of wood

looking for a home, I saw you
light spread softly on your skin
and If I had talent I would draw you
and me in that moment to see it begin

I put in the effort, it wasn't the time
you had your life, I had mine
life went on and I just ignored
the senses in heart, the thoughts in mind
I looked for you elsewhere, never to find

and then the day came I saw you again
swept up in the wind and the magma of men
I finally got my chance, it was bliss
my life shifted forever on the breath of first kiss
still no way to for you to have known
the close space with you that we had quickly grown
was simply the only place I had ever felt at home

determined to never take you for granted
I spent every day making sure every word landed
every embrace fully felt, every glance understood
to love unreservedly, to whittle roses of wood
for you to see what love in me beckoned
so you'd know how I felt every second

and just as I knew you'd rest your head at my shoulder
the rug was ripped out; it was suddenly over
if I had one wish, one request, one gift to bestow
it would be for you to know what I felt
so that one day you might actually know
what you deserve from me.....or someone else
and to be happy.

Poetry by matt
Read 762 times
Written on 2012-10-04 at 16:48

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