co-write and co-best-wishes from Emelén and Lourdes

Happy birthday to KJC ( punk rock version)

and now

(SILENCE folks ,, please )

let my band play ; (band , ready?) ( band : "hell yeah !)


clearing my throat

oh , Emelén clearing her throat as well (ahhkkrrmmt)

aaaaand .. a one _a two _a one two three four

Happy birthday to you (tamtam)

Happy birthday to you (tamtaratam)

Happy birthday , fantastic KJC

(fuzz-guitar solo *)(then drummer goes wild)

Happy birthday toooo youuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!! (screamed till the end of both voices)

Hipp Hipp _______ Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah !

~ twelve good wishes (because thats a magic number and so are you) and a gigantic hug .

Love ya babe !

loudly presented to you by :
* Lourdes and Emelén

Poetry by Lourdes
Read 755 times
Written on 2006-10-16 at 00:51

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haha it's grreeeatt :)

English War Veteran aged 98
oh happy Birthday KJC from one old timer to a less old timer!

Kathy Lockhart
I have my chains, my spiked pink hair, my tatoos, my fishnet stockings, my laced knee high boots, my torn wife-beater shirt and I say Yeaaaaaaaaaah! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Go Daughters go!

I know these things because, my birth daughter Katie was a lead singer in the punk rock group, "The Dangers." They used to practice in my garage. OOOOWWWWL!! Wow it runs in the family!

Love you daughters,