I must do this before I go insane.

Confessions Of A Friend

Within my heart lies a heavy price
I wish to pay so roll the dice
The way I feel is oh too real
Maybe you too could also reveal
I've liked you for as long as I could remember
Tracking back to the long, cold days of last december
It's so hard to admit what I feel
Because I'd never ever try to destroy or steal
Other passions that grow into something real
I love you and that's plain as night and day
I care for you; what more can I say
So tell me how you feel and I
Will spread my wings and take the skies

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 585 times
Written on 2006-11-06 at 05:35

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Amazing and relevant. I'm going through something similar. =)

great poem!!!

omg aaron. that was beautiful. im deffinetly bookmarking this one. :D