A little contribution to my father in honor of fathers day (which is tomorrow in Sweden btw). :)

Fathers day

My dad.

There is only one.

From the first time you opened up your arms to embrace me and call me your daughter.

I think, even from that day, I had a feeling our bond would be strong and our relationship everlasting.

I remember, with a smile on my face, the times we'd sit at the kitchen table and you'd tell me all these stories of historical people, and with pride show me all the new fish that you'd bought to your aquarium. :)

You taught me how to be appreciate what is written, that the pen is mightier than the sword, and I believe I got a great deal of my inspiration when I write from you.

Even though we have our rough times, I always love you no matter what is said!

You are, and always will be my own, very special dad...

I wrote you these words in honor to this day, and so I just wanted to say:

happy fathers day!! :)

Words by Sabrina
Read 1289 times
Written on 2006-11-11 at 20:00

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wow sabrina, I hope you've shown this too your dad :D

If i know him, he'll be really happy :D:D

a very well written poem hun!


Absolutely wonderful. This is such a beautiful gift and tribute to your father.