I guess I just like the idea of new life rising from old... :)

A Phoenix rising from the Ashes

Torched flames, dancing before my eyes

Scorching my inner self

What pain a bolt of fire can cause, rushing through the body

Ripping the insides, tearing it all down

All that I've once built up

Burning buildings, castles and fortifications

O, see how your solid architectural triumph collapses to the power of the flame

The power of fire, both mighty and strong

Cleansing all in its path

Burning down whole forests of life

Leaving naught but the scorched ground as memory of what once was

Who knows what will arise from the ashes?

Like the great phoenix, so do new things grow from beneath the same ground that the fire once destructed

Seeds of life

For, what is the phoenix, if not the seeds rising from the ashes coming with a message of new life...

Poetry by Sabrina
Read 1271 times
Written on 2006-12-04 at 20:44

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Christoffer Waye
Nice i like the feeling shown here, passion yet regret. progress with deep emotion very nice :)

Zoya Zaidi
Very powerfully expressed and heartfelt!
Reminds me of my poem 'Bertrayed', do check it out if you have not read it. I would want your opinion; in it also I talk about crumbling walls...
(((Hugs for the lovely piece))
Love, Zoya