
Just an advice my friend

Just an advice my friend
Take or neglect
One thing I always
Wanted to share with you
If you hate someone
Don't hide it in your heart
Have that confidence to spit it out
With the help of your big mouth
To friends who are close to you
To your parents or to your husband too
Or to anyone whom you feel
You can trust most!

If you feel that option
Is also difficult for you
Vomit all your words
On a piece of paper
You may write
More than twice
Write as long as you want
Shout as much as you like
There is no limit in words
Nor check up of spelling mistakes
Don't be mad
Just an advice my friend

By Zainab copyright © 18 January 2007

Words by Zainab
Read 1363 times
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Written on 2007-01-18 at 07:12

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Honesty is such a lonely word, but the only way to be true to everyone and yourself!!!

This is just an advise
To one of my friend!