Just the truth.

End Of Our Days

The days, we're living, are fading away,
not so sure, to see another day,
polluting our forest, our oceans and souls,
everlasting dream, becoming to foul.
So wise, we think, that we are,
believing to see, yet so far,
but mirage it is, just a gamble we play,
with our world, with our fate.
Doing the things, that we know we fail,
just in a bliss, we do sail,
Still doing nothing, to make our grace,
We dont know we're living, the End of Our Days.

Poetry by Finnman
Read 957 times
Written on 2005-11-09 at 20:43

Tags Nature  End 

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
so true and wonderfully worded.