This poem is partly about, how i do like raveyards, and how they can teach us, of how our problems, are not forever, and they shouldn't be such a burden, and most of the time, they can be. i hope you enjoy it, and thank you for reading, *bow*

Twilght Waltz

Twilight waltz, twilight waltz,
im the only one dances twilight waltz,
among the graveyard,
along the ground that is scarred,
past the mortuary, never should they scare me,
under the bald trees, painted blue,
oh tell me, the errors, that i do,
over the grass, black in my shadow,
angels of brass, in they're dark medow,
i'll be the dark angel bellerina,
stary sky, stary sky, my arena,
the stars stareing onward,
apon souls no longer marred,
twilight waltz, twilight waltz,
in the cemetery,
peaceful men and women,
burried together peaceful and merry,
through collums, and rows, of graves,
giving away the mortal conclave,
we all end up here,
wether we welcome it, with dispair or fear,
Faith and rejoiceing,
celebrate, with danceing,
our bodys can't do this forever,
bounce you're eyes, and allow you're mind to quiver,
mourne them, our past, on chained clasp,
celebrate survival, with cemetary revival,
learn to make mistakes,
learn to be saints,
i'll respect it, and i'll never forget it,
Burried with out present,
we left all our past and future with little resent,
twilight waltz, twilight waltz,
im the only one who dances the twilight waltz,
in the graveyard i dance,
i may seem odd at a glance,
as i spin, turn, and prance,
i find peace, to celebrate those,
who've gone on to recieve they're reward,
twilight waltz, twilight waltz,
in vaults, in the twilight waltz.

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 975 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 18:18

Tags Twilght  Waltz  Graveyard 

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