Walking in my inner garden . . .

Undiscovered depths or not?

In the garden of my heart I grow, care for roses
and fulfil my dreams with hope and courage
to have the strength to walk one more day

there deep inside in the bottom of my soul
I heal my emptiness and fix my black holes
there in the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart . . .

which keeps me together so I wont feel torn apart
in my eyes there is a shining light . . .
the light of my spirit which is older than my body

My body is mortal but my soul is eternal
and with that eternal love in my mind
 I will walk forever

all of my love I send it to you . . .
Yes, to you my beloved reader

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 546 times
Written on 2007-04-12 at 12:02

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Kathy Lockhart
thank you Dan. This brightened up this cold and rainy day. I feel the power of love and it is mighty. : )

beautifull Dan