Lost Childhood

I kept walking
Hearing the lullaby,
And the enchained ghosts whisper
Deep into the graveyard
Of childhoods cadaver.

Innocence entomed,
Playfulness buried,
Smiles choked;
Lay coffins of hurried,
Deceased childhood.

Beneath the shattered earth
Cry the voices
Six feet under;
Frantic to escape
Tortured in plunder.

Friends turned strangers
And myself a cursed ghost;
I witness,as i sit
All alone in the crypt;
And the castles of childhood
Stand crippled.

Poetry by suraj
Read 944 times
Written on 2007-06-20 at 16:55

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I think it should be 'tombed'
otherwise a brilliant piece. keep it up

This is a truly moving piece!!!

Jason Monroe
The broken meter and rhyme of this work accentuate the feeling of falling apart. A feeling I received from reading this remarkable piece. It has a sort of a demented sing-song feel as well...I mean this in the absolute most complimentary way as it binds perfectly with the theme in mind....loss of innocence from an obvious childhood cut short. Of course, all childhoods are cut short it seems, and the carefree days therein are painfully lost as the innocence fades.

See there...you've got me going with this work of art. Absolutely perfect imaging here...well done good man!