sorry for re-posting this poetry.i posted dis one quite a few months ago when i used to feel strongly but hated seeing this write-up as it disturbed deleted i m over with i thot, let not my poetries disappear for such stupid things!

Love memories

It is coming back once again,
Its been long that we put stains;
It is coming back once again,
Lets give it a try,no expectations,no pain.

I never meant to disappoint you,
I never meant to be crestfallen;
I never knew our love was so true,
Without you,its so bleak,so barren.

You set me free,nevertheless I was trapped,
The wind is blowing round and round;
You flew away so far,along the paths untrammeled,
Left me behind in the memories abound.

The childhood summer days,
Blinking and glittering...leave me in fray;
I wish I could take you to the sun,
Warm up the cold beween us,leave it all done.

Laughing away the tears,
Glowing with hopeful eyes,
Crying away the fears ,
Grappling in love and ties.

All these to let you know,
We are not yet done,our love is not yet over;
We will be back and love will shower.

Let me put my arms around you!

Poetry by suraj
Read 1022 times
Written on 2007-07-11 at 21:49

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I know how it is when i see old poetry of mine and i dont feel it anymore. but each poem is a work of art and deserves its time. respect tht.

"I wish I could take you to the sun,
Warm up the cold beween us,leave it all done."

Those are my favourite lines :)