It has been for quite sometime that i have been feeling the grind of daily mundane schedules...everything seems tired,seems devoid of time...days come, days go away unnoticed..i feel caged in this daily flow...

Yet Another Day

Yet another day,
It was today;

The unwilling sun
Awoke from its ephemeral slumber;
Shone with tired sunshine,
Lamented,it could no longer
Hide behind the night's ravine.

Awoke the sleepy earth in her cozy nest,
Reluctant and mundane;
To lose in chaotic chirruping
To hate routine's behest.

Across the dizzy greens
The stagnant wind blew;
Above the placid sky
The flightless birds flew.

Underneath the rivers flowed,
In its endless flow;
As undeniably,
As the fires glow.

Sun came down,
Painting frustrations umpteen;
Climbed the squeamish stars
Hating the deathless routine.

Slept the tired earth,
A decade's sleep;
Soon to get lost in fray;
Is just another day.

Poetry by suraj
Read 948 times
Written on 2007-07-11 at 21:15

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