I really wonder where i am heading!
I really wonder how deep i am treading!

In twenty years i feel i could not build my identity.


Since the unnoticed dawn
At the life's shore,
There has been relentless tides;
So many times it has taken me in stride,
In success,in failure,
In desperation galore.

After twenty years
The ocean has left me back;
In tears,in fears
Once where i was tracked;
Just where everyone dawned,
Now i am peregrine;
Just where every dream spawned,
Under the fleeting wings of time
In aspirations tangerine;

Who am i?
What am i here for?
Had not been the world better off,
Showing me the death's door?

I am ashamed to disclose my identity
Like many uncountable pebbles,
I am just another pebble;
Without an identity.

Poetry by suraj
Read 951 times
Written on 2007-07-12 at 18:55

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Jason Monroe
relatable, moving, and well-written. well done!