Dedicated to my wonderfull and beloved Sandy...i still love her...i'm still waiting for you....i miss you

It's been a while...

Oh those pictures still there

I would like to burn them...

Would i dare...

Oh those memories you left behind

Your smile

Your eyes

Your delicate heavenly touch

I dont ask for much

I just miss you

Dont you think

It's been a while since you are gone

I counted my tears while you are away

I memoriezed my painfull cries

My face was painted with gloom and agony

My heart still tries

To get over you

But i miss you

Poetry by MAXreturns
Read 1195 times
Written on 2007-07-31 at 13:56

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Love sure can hurt a lot.....
Excellent writing though, describing feelings I think most of us have felt at some point in our lives.....

Amanda K
True feelings of longing to someone's love.

loved it,