Made this today, was thinking of how i was last night. and noticed how i had no one to talk with. nothing. and started thinking of a friendship i seem to have lost. and this just all came out. so here's my latest poem.

Under neith a shadow

alone in the room, under neith a shadow,
wondering why i watch the time go,
counting seconds, instead of words,
conversations in my head that go unheard,
reading a list of topics i wrote,
so maybe i'd have something to say when i spoke,
looking at the back of peoples heads,
even though i probably should be in bed,
confused by what to do,
how to speak, and with who,
should i say hello, will it be a bad time,
i guess thats why i speak better in rhyme,
speaking to my self, course it's a bad day,
but i always make time for something to say,
missing for a few days,
never did have much to say,
asked where i had gone, maybe a vacation?
by those, i hardly engaged in conversation.
still siting in the room, under neith a shadow,
confused as i watch the time go.

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 1104 times
Written on 2007-09-22 at 02:40

Tags Shadow  Alone  Talk 

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you are a natural at writing
i can see this in your work
you write from the heart
love ur work !!!!