"How's life?"   "It's not treating me well"

Mood-refuse to be amused 

Song-Adrenalin, you can't even feel a thing 

Judging me

Anger, you don't even feel a thing

Jealousy, you don't even feel a thing

Sweet emotion!

I can't do this any longer

You won't know the difference anyhow

Let's get down to business

She doesn't see me anymore

You can't care to torture

It doesn't even hurt anymore 

You insist on judging me on what i do

So i shall not do a thing 

You insist on judging me by what i say

So i shall not say a thing 

You can't see who I am

And I won't let you in 

Poetry by Inspired
Read 1239 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 20:33

Tags Invulnerability  Numbness  Judgement 

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